General Courses
General Health & Safety Courses
RiskCom S.A. (Pty) Ltd branches across South Africa will be able to assist your company with the following courses. On successful completion of these courses, the student will receive an attendance certificate.
Basic Health and Safety
Course Title:
Basic Health and Safety
This course is designed to acquire the knowledge and skills required by the industry to function as a scaffold erector. Their functions will include leading a team. This includes the ability to safely and efficiently deploy the required to erect and dismantle access scaffolding.
1 Day
Target Audience:
All employees
Identify potential hazards
- Exposure to hazardous substances and hazards
- Health and safety plan
- Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment
- Statutory Requirements
Damage to persons or property in the case of an emergency
- Fire extinguishers, hoses and alarms
- Types of Fire Extinguishers
- Emergency procedures
- Reporting Injuries
Incident Management Procedures
- Recording and Reporting procedures
- Workman Compensation reporting
- Incident Report Writing
Course Notes
OHSAct, Regulations and standard policies and procedures in managing various workstations. Resources coordination
Stacking & Storage
Course Title:
Stacking and Storage
This training will equip participants with requisite skills to ensure that the Stacking and Storage Practices are maintained at a high standard at all times and that all statutory requirements are complied with within the working environment.
1 Day
Target Audience:
All managers/coordinators, Supervisors & Foremen, Safety representatives and all Employees.
Environmental legislations and the Occupational Health and Safety Act
- Reviewing the legislative requirements.
- Overview of the OHS Act.
Personal Protective Equipment
- Construction Regulations.
- General Administrative Regulations
Stacking and Storage practices
- Safe Work Systems.
- Stock Holding Structures.
- Pallet Construction and Loading.
- The positioning of Stacks.
- Size and Shape of Structures.
- Stability and Bonding of Stacks.
- Stacking Different Types of Goods.
- Rules for De-stacking.
- Segregation of Stock.
- Fire Safety.
- Materials Handling Equipment.
- Safe Stock Movement.
- Automated Storage
- Lighting.
- Noise.
- Checklists.
- Hazardous Chemicals Storage.
Identify and assess emergencies
- Emergency Preparedness.
- Fire Precautions.
- Waste management processes.
Course Notes
Optimizing his/her handling and storing of material towards a healthier lifestyle and improved workplace productivity. Identify and explain relevant pieces of legislations.
Oral & Signed communication
Course Title:
Oral / Signed Communication
Participants of this training will provide a sound foundation of spoken/signed language ability for further language growth, and for application in real-life contexts.
1 Day
Target Audience:
All employees
Speaking and listening/signing strategies.
- Questioning / Discussing
- Guide to sustained interaction exchange.
- Contextualized communication.
- Supporting or countering arguments.
- Displaying clarity and understanding in speech.
Accommodating socio-cultural sensitivities.
- Combining the spoken/signed word with visual features and body language.
- Using appropriate Intonation/NMFs.
- Use of appropriate or inappropriate forms of politeness in a -specific context.
- Preventative methods and practices.
- Expressing own ideas and opinions with regards to others socio-cultural sensitivities.
Using language structures and conventions to shape or decode meaning.
- Listening to new or borrowed words while listening /viewing, idioms, slang, acronyms and technical terms are identified and used appropriately in speaking/signing.
- Extending vocabulary by exploring new words and meaning.
- Using pause, intonation/NMFs, pace, stress and a variety of sentence structures.
Organising and presenting information in a focused and coherent manner.
- Making meaning and purpose accessible to listeners/audiences.
- Style and register
- Using Illustrative aids.
- Presenting coherently in prepared and unprepared talks.
- Formulating conclusions.
Identifying and explaining how speakers/signers influence audiences.
- Diction
- Omission or inclusion of pertinent facts and opinions.
- Different techniques of spoken/signed communication.
Course Notes
Explain that languages have certain features and conventions, which can be manipulated and they can also apply this knowledge and adapt language to suit different contexts, audiences and purposes. Knowledge of formats, conventions, protocol and context is also acquired through this training.
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Course Title:
Sexually Transmitted Infections
This course is for any learner who needs to demonstrate an understanding of sexuality and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV/AIDS, and the impact of these infections on oneself, as well as in the workplace and society. It is also aimed at encouraging a healthy lifestyle.
1 Day
Target Audience:
All employees
- Sexual orientation and preferences.
- Sexual Rights and Responsibilities in line with the South African Constitution.
Sexually Transmitted Infections including HIV/AIDS
- Definitions
- Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment.
- Risky behaviours.
- Preventative methods and practices.
- Roles of STIs in relation to HIV/AIDS transmission.
- Mother to Child HIV/AIDS transmission.
- Fostering Interpersonal skills as an STI and HIV/AIDS response.
- Counselling.
Course Notes
Sexually Transmitted Infections, HIV/AIDS, Sexual rights and responsibilities, Risky Behaviours as well as Healthy lifestyles.
Work, Use and Care for materials
Course Title:
Work, Use and Care for materials
The training will provide insight into the properties of a range materials (including waste) that commonly occur, the positive and negative effects of such materials on the environment as well as the basic principles for responsible use and handling of various materials and resources in my context.
1 Day
Target Audience:
All employees
Classification of materials and resources found in an environment.
- Identification and naming of materials and resources found in the environment.
- The properties/characteristics of the materials and resources.
- Material Data Safety Sheets (MSDS) requirements for hazardous chemical substances.
- Material or resource usage.
Working with, using, transporting, storing and caring for materials and resources.
- Using materials correctly and for the appropriate purpose.
- Extracting, using, handling and storing material and resources to protect them against damage and to prevent damage to health and the environment.
- Identification, isolation and reporting of the defective material.
- Personal protective clothing and equipment.
Recognising and responding to environmentally damaging impacts resulting from the extraction, use, transport or storage of materials or resources.
- Recognizing and reporting potential environmental threats timeously.
- Taking action to prevent, correct or remedy the environmental damage.
Record keeping and report writing.
- Completing the required documentation, up to date and the required format.
- Consumable materials use is accounted for, and excesses and shortages are identified and reported timeously.
Collect, handle and dispose of waste.
- Concepts and principles of waste management.
- Waste management process.
- Application of the waste management processes.
- Special waste.
Conserving materials and resources.
- Methods of conservation.
- Identification of opportunities and threats to environmental conservation.
- Responsible material and resource use.
Course Notes
Environmental Awareness
Course Title:
Environmental Awareness
The training will provide insight into the environment, its importance and demonstrate how we should preserve it at home and at work in a commercial, industrial, pharmaceutical, food handling, domestic and health care cleaning and waste management environment
1 Day
Target Audience:
Supervisors, Managers, Supervisors, Safety and Health Representatives as well as General Employees
1. Understanding of how the environment works
- Different environmental elements.
- The interdependence of environmental elements.
- Ecosystems
- The law and environment
2. Pollution
- Types of waste
- Sources of environmental waste.
- The impacts of pollution on the environment.
- Waste stream
3. Appropriate steps to limit pollution/waste at the workplace.
- Housekeeping
- Assessing a solid waste stream.
- Steps to reduce solid waste.
- Appropriate disposal of waste.
- Steps to limit water and energy wastage.
- Correct PPE in hazardous waste disposal.
- Reporting spillages and other environmental hazards.
- Advantages of reducing solid waste.
- Ways to reduce the waste stream.
- Workplace examples of environmental hazards.
4. Household waste.
- Identification of throw away / disposable household products.
- Recycling of re-usable household waste products.
- Identification of household products which are packaged in a way that limits the amount of waste that has to go to the landfill site.
- Setting up of a household waste separation system.
- Community waste recycling options.
- Household rubbish chains.
- The dangers of landfills.
- Packaging of household goods and pollution.
- Waste pyramid.
- Different kinds of waste and their decomposition.
- Separation of waste.
Impacts on the Environment
Course Title:
Address impact on the Environment
The training will focus on the principles and concepts related to managing environmental impacts, the role of environmental management tools in managing environment as well as actions can be taken to address the impact of human activities on the environment.
1 Day
Target Audience:
Supervisors & Management
1. Responding to Identified environmental impacts
- Differentiating between preventive, corrective and remedial responses.
- Considerations in choosing the appropriate level of response.
- Responding timeously to environmental impacts.
2. Developing appropriate plans.
- Formulation of logical, practical and sufficiently detailed plans.
- Embracing the multi-stakeholder nature of plans.
3. Implementation and evaluation of environmental plans.
- Aligning actions with plans.
- Implementation and adjustments of plans during implementation.
- Addressing impacts properly.
4. Reporting and recording results.
- Capturing of key issues succinctly and clearly.
- Compiling and presenting the report appropriately.
Course Notes
Explain that languages have certain features and conventions, which can be manipulated and they can also apply this knowledge and adapt language to suit different contexts, audiences and purposes. Knowledge of formats, conventions, protocol and context is also acquired through this training
Asbestos Stripping and Handling
Course Title:
Asbestos Stripping and Handling
This training will equip participants with the ability to demonstrate understanding knowledge regarding the hazards of asbestos.
1 Day
Target Audience:
All Managers, Supervisors and employees working in potential asbestos environments should attend this course.
1. Legislative Requirements (OHSAct & other)
- Section 8: Duties of the employer.
- Section 13: Duty of the employer to information.
- Section 14: Duty of the employee
- Section 24: Reporting of incidents at the workplace
- Construction Regulation
- Asbestos Regulation
2. Introducing Asbestos.
- History of Asbestos
- Nature of Asbestos
- Uses of Asbestos in the past
- Banning of Asbestos in 2008
3. Health effects of Asbestos.
- Lung Cancer
- Asbestosis
- Mesothelioma
4. Risk Assessment of environment.
- Identifying Asbestos hazards.
- Establishing Asbestos risks.
- Written Safe Work Procedure and Action Plan.
5. Asbestos regulations.
- Exposure
- Information and training
- Medical surveillance
- Sampling and monitoring
- Housekeeping
- Risk Management
- Record keeping
- Labelling
- Notification and Prohibition
6. Asbestos Stripping and Handling.
- Demolition work
- Handling, transportation, storage and utilisation.
- Safe removal and Waste handling
7. Supportive Legal frameworks.
- Mine Health and Safety Act
- National Environmental Management Act
8. Asbestos Disposal.
- Source and Classification of Asbestos Waste.
- Approved Treatment and Disposal methods.
- Visiting sites where Asbestos waste are disposed
Course Notes
The learner will be capable to understand and explain relevant aspects of what is required during the planning and development phases when working with Asbestos.
Hazardous Material Handling
Course Title:
Hazardous Material Handling
Participants to this training skill should be able to handle and store hazardous/dangerous goods in accordance with national and international statutory requirements and standards.
1 Day
Target Audience:
Employees working with Hazardous materials, SHEP Representatives & Supervisors.
Identification and classification of hazardous substances and dangerous goods in accordance with statutory requirements.
- The nine classes of hazardous substances and dangerous goods.
- Groups of hazardous materials and risks they pose.
- Potential effects of each of the nine classes.
Control and management of hazardous material.
- Regulatory framework pertaining to the control and management of dangerous/hazardous materials.
- Handling and storage of dangerous/hazardous materials.
- Appropriate handling equipment.
- Safe transportation of hazardous material.
- Documentation required for the transportation of hazardous material as well as compliance with authorities.
- Appropriate storage facilities and securing techniques.
- Potential hazards.
- Disposal of hazardous substances.
Course Notes
Identifying and classifying hazardous substances and dangerous goods in accordance with statutory requirements as well as applying the statutory requirements relevant to the control and management of hazardous material.
Hazardous Chemical Substance Handling
Course Title:
Hazardous Chemical Substances
The training will provide insight into receiving, handling and storage of hazardous chemicals safely in a processing environment.
1 Day
Target Audience:
Employees working with Hazardous chemicals, SHEP Representatives, Storage Manager, Maintenance Managers & Supervisors.
Preparations for receiving Hazardous Chemical Substances.
- Personal protective equipment (PPE).
- Safety equipment and accessories necessary.
- Need to ensure equipment is clean, operational and fit for purpose.
- Ensuring work environment is clean and free from potential hazards to personnel, product, plant and environment.
- Communication and referencing the relevant personnel.
Receiving and checking chemicals.
- Checking of packaging.
- Matching condition of chemicals to specifications.
- Quarantining chemicals according to MSDS`s and procedures for returning compromised ones.
- Noting deviances.
Handling chemicals safely.
- Maximizing operator and product safety in accordance with standard operating procedures.
- Using chemicals in compliance with their intended purpose and usage instructions.
- Keeping minimum wastage and handling spillages.
Storing hazardous chemicals for production requirements.
- Aligning storage with safety legislation and standard operating procedures, and storage space used in accordance with company stock holding policies.
- Labelling and coding in stored chemicals.
- Ensuring documentation related to storage is complete and accurate.
- Incorrect chemical storage and its impact on housekeeping, downtime, safety and quality.
Course Notes
Hearing Conservation Awareness
Course Title:
Hearing Conservation Awareness
This training will equip participants with the ability to demonstrate an understanding of a working place hearing conservation programme, measure noise levels and recommend appropriate remedial action where the levels are too high. The understanding includes all those actions required to meaningfully determine environmental and personal noise levels.
1 Day
Target Audience:
All managers/coordinators, Supervisors & Foremen, Safety representatives and all Employees.
The basic mechanism of human hearing.
- Basic functional anatomy of the human outer, middle and inner ear.
- Overview of the OHS Act.
Causes and effects of exposure to noise.
- Definition of noise.
- Effects of noise on hearing ability, human performance and safety in the working place.
- Causes of noise in the working place.
Control measures to reduce noise exposure.
- Legal requirements pertaining to noise level limits.
- Control measures to deal with excessive noise levels.
- Correct use, storage and hygiene of personal protective equipment.
- Implementation of hearing conservation programme.
Knowledge and understanding of noise level monitoring and measuring procedures.
- Audiometric testing.
- Importance of both working place and personal monitoring.
- Procedures to be followed when noise reaches unacceptable levels.
- The importance of submitting timeously, complete, accurate reports, in the required format, to designated personnel.
Measurement of sound levels and the determination of personal equivalent noise exposure levels.
- The principle of operation of the instrument and the precautions regarding handling and storage.
Determining noise or personal equivalent exposure levels, measure sound levels and collect relevant data.
- Required personal protective equipment.
- Examination and calibration of dosimeter or sound level meter.
- Permit system.
Reporting and making recommendations.
- Retrieval, examination and re-calibration.
- Fostering team effort in retrieval.
Course Notes
Maintenance of a good and effective hearing conservation programme and the monitoring of noise and noise exposure levels and to negotiate with other departments.
Confined Spaces
Course Title:
Confined Spaces
This course will show you how to work in a confined environment to maximize safety for you and those around you.
1 Day
Target Audience:
Employees, Supervisors, Safety Officers, Purchasers and Managers.
Identify hazards in confined spaces.
- Relative to gasses
- Relative to water
- Relative to fire
- Relative to soil types and conditions
- Relative to installation processes of material and plant
- Relative to the operation of plant and equipment
Proper Personal Protective Equipment.
- Hazard specific PPE
- Training in the proper use of PPE and equipment
Rescue and Emergency services.
- Resources required for emergencies.
- Communication and implementing a plan of action.
- Relevant Occupational health and safety regulations.
Course Notes
OHSAct and the application to confined space work / GSR 5 / Confined Spaces inspection policies and working procedures / Resource coordination / Basic Health and Safety awareness in relation to work in confined space.
Basic Rigging Principles
Course Title:
Basic Rigging Principles.
The training will enable participants to conduct basic rigging practices in accordance with legislative safety standards and job requirements. This includes the inspection, selection and use of slings and lifting tackle to safely lift, move and stack loads.
1 Day
Target Audience:
Identify and select lifting equipment.
- Safe working loads and correct slinging methods.
- Identification and selection of lifting equipment in line with load requirements.
- Inspection of lifting equipment
Conveying loads by means of lifting equipment.
- Planning the rigging process.
- Slinging the load in accordance with load requirements and worksite procedures.
- Communication methods utilized to clear people from the load path and destination.
- Communication methods utilized to clear people from the load path and destination.
Storage and Maintenance of lifting equipment.
- Consequences of inadequate caring and storage procedures.
- Manufacturer’s recommendations and worksite procedures in relation to maintenance and storage.
- Maintenance practices including cleaning and lubricating before storage.
Course Notes
- Relevant worksite procedures.
- Specific legislative & company safety regulations.
- Application of rigging equipment, slinging methods and hand signals.
- Interpretation of equipment defects and unsafe rigging practices.
Safe Handling of Hand and Power Tools
Course Title:
Safe handling of hand and power tools.
The training will enable participants to identify, use and maintain tools, machines, equipment and materials for building and civil construction activities.
1 Day
Target Audience:
Employees working with hand and power tools, SHE Representatives, Store Staff, Appointed Hand Tools Inspectors.
Identification, use and maintenance of a range of hand and power tools, machines and equipment.
- Identification and correct use of tools, machines and equipment.
- Storage and maintenance of tools and equipment.
- Checking for wear and tear (cables and switches) in accordance with the safe handling procedures.
- Compliance with manufacturer specifications on tools and equipment.
Levelling devices to determine and transfer horizontal and vertical levels – spirit level, water level and dumpy level.
- Using levelling devices correctly to transfer levels.
- Construction specification with regards to determining and transferring levels.
- Calibrating of levelling instruments in accordance with maintenance procedures.
Selecting materials and using appropriate application methods.
- Minimising material wastage.
Course Notes
- Identifying, use and maintenance of a range of hand and power tools, machines and equipment.
- Use of a range of levelling devices to determine and transfer horizontal and vertical levels.
- Selecting materials and using appropriate application methods.
Traffic Control: Flagmen / Flagmen & Radio control
Course Title:
Traffic Control Flagmen and Radio Control Procedures.
This course is designed to ensure that workers, the public and all relevant people are safe when work has to be done on or next to a road.
1 Day
Target Audience:
1. Planning the work task.
- Occupational Health and Safety Act overview.
- Introduction to roadwork safety.
- Zone Definitions.
- Interpreting job instruction and determining the sequence of operation.
- Selecting correct temporary road signs and equipment according to worksite procedures and statutory legislations.
2. Safe loading and offloading of equipment and workers on vehicles for transportation.
- Checking vehicles according to worksite procedures.
- Suitably securing and placing equipment on a vehicle for transportation.
- Safely accommodating and transporting workers according to relevant legislation.
3. Setting-up temporary road signs.
- Correct flagging signals.
- Placing temporary signs and equipment at the correct intervals, clearly visible and in the correct sequence according to legislation.
- Demarcation of the workplace to ensure safety.
4. Completing the task.
- Restoring work area to a serviceable condition.
- Removing of signs, equipment and flagmen in the correct and appropriate sequence.
5. Radio Call Procedures.
- Speech techniques.
Course Notes
- Interpret instructions pertaining to the safety at road works.
- Execute applicable sections of the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
- Select the applicable road signs.
- Load workmen and equipment on the vehicle so that it is safe to drive on a public road.
Movement of people and Manual material handling
Course Title:
Movement of People and Materials safely.
Participants of this training will be able to monitor, report and advise on the application of safety and health principles regarding the movement of people and materials in and around a working place. The course will build on capabilities like manifesting the structural safety principles and considerations in a working place, demonstrating the safe manual handling, mechanical handling and handling of the material by means of motorised equipment.
1 Day
Target Audience:
All employees
Structural safety principles and considerations.
- Incidents related to the movement of material and people.
- Requirements pertaining to floors and traffic routes in the workplace.
- Requirements pertaining to stairs, ladders, moving walkways and catwalks.
- Requirements pertaining to windows, doors, gates and walls.
Safe manual handling.
- Types and size of material that can be manually handled safely.
- Types of injuries that can arise from manually handling.
- Techniques used to manually handle material.
Requirements pertaining to the mechanical handling of material.
- Types of conveyors.
- Principles of conveyor guarding.
Motorized Equipment.
- Restoring work area to a serviceable condition.
- Removing of signs, equipment and flagmen in the correct and appropriate sequence.
5. Radio Call Procedures.
- Safe operation of motorized equipment.
Course Notes
Explain that languages have certain features and conventions, which can be manipulated and they can also apply this knowledge and adapt language to suit different contexts, audiences and purposes. Knowledge of formats, conventions, protocol and context is also acquired through this training.