
E-Learning Courses

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E-Learning offers flexibility to both the organization and employees, it is in fact popularly known as “anytime, anywhere” learning and with laptops, I-pads and smartphones it can be taken at any time.   Learn at low cost in your own time and at your own pace.

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COVID-19 Awareness




COVID-19 Awareness
This course provides a general introduction to Acute Respiratory Infections (ARIs) and basic hygiene measures to protect against infection. By the end of the course, the learner should be able to describe basic information about ARIs including what they are, how they are transmitted, how to assess the risk of infection and list basic hygiene measures to protect against infection.


Cost: Request a Quote


Course outline

  • Understanding the difference between bacteria and virus
  • Understanding the virus and disease
  • Importance of reporting possible signs of disease and what to do if you suspect you have COVID-19
  • Prevention and protection
  • Social distancing and the importance thereof
  • Workplace compliance and relevant legislation – issuing the correct PPE
  • Advantages and importance of exercise and staying healthy during lockdown – You can’t be safe if you’re not healthy
  • Understanding the lockdown requirements – No alcohol consumption / No smoking.
COVID-19 Business Start-up Readiness Management



COVID-19 Business Start-up Readiness Management
This course provides guidelines on preparedness planning that is essential in order to respond effectively to prevent outbreaks and epidemics. Emergency preparedness adds value to the efforts of companies to strengthen their capabilities and ensure coordinated and effective support when faced with health threats.


Cost: Request a quote


Course outline


  • How to defend against the spread of COVID-19 – Understanding the symptoms of the virus and how it is spread
  • Employees – how to classify worker exposure risk and preventative measures
  • Control measures – Hygiene practices and contact reduction
  • Exposure – Management and reduction of detected on-site cases – Business plans, policies and risk impact analysis.
  • Human resource management – awareness in the absence of management – housekeeping and waste disposal
  • Recovery of processes and business functions after detection – response time objective (RTO) – resuming and recovering prioritised activities – Safety & Welfare during recovery
  • COVID-19 Business Continuity Risk Assessment.
Working at Heights



Working at Heights
This course will ensure that learners gain knowledge and understanding needed about fall hazards and safe working practices to be applied when working at heights.  Learners will learn to identify potential fall hazards and actionable steps needed to reduce or eliminate the risks associated with falls.  They will also learn how to use a variety of fall protection equipment teach them how to select appropriate equipment for the job, how to inspect and properly adjust it.


Cost: Request a quote


Course outline


  • The requirement of performing a risk assessment of worksite where work is to be done at height, the hazards that should be included and developing safe work procedures, monitoring and review plans;
  • Knowledge of fall arrest and rescue equipment and fall arrest rescue techniques, understanding terms “Shock Loads”, “Fall Factors” and “Anchor Loads”, an inspection of lanyards;
  • Inspection of full body harnesses en relevant equipment, donning the equipment and different protective gear;
  • A requirement of developing fall protection plans, the purpose of a fall protection plan, defining “Fall Risk Position”;
  • Management the safety of persons working at heights, risks associated with falls, cause of “Suspension Trauma” and required precautions, legislation dealing with working at height or from a fall risk position.
Legal Liability




Legal Liability
The course equips delegates to understand their responsibility regarding compliance to the OHSA from an employer, employee, contractor or manufacturer’s position, and to understand the role of criminal prosecution when failing to comply to the OHSA.


Cost: Request a quote


Course outline


  • Understanding the need and benefits of Health and Safety Legislation, history of Health and Safety Legislation;
  • Health and Safety responsibilities, Chief Executive Officer, Management and employees;
  • Incidents reporting, recording and investigation, General Administrative Regulations explaining the requirements for reporting of incidents and occupational diseases and recording;
  • General Legal Liability and the different forms of liability and their elements, burden of proof and indemnities;
  • Legal appointment structures including responsibilities.
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment





Hazard Identification Risk Assessment (H.I.R.A.)
The course equips delegates to understand their responsibility regarding compliance with the Risk Assessment requirements Section 8 (2)(d) and to understand liability when failing to comply with these requirements.


Cost: Request a quote


Course outline


  • Legal requirements
  • Duties of the employer
  • Duty to inform
  • Interpretation of risk assessment and the aim of the risk assessment
  • Interpretation of the roles and responsibilities with regard to hazard identification
  • The purpose and aim of risk assessment
  • Responsibilities at work
  • Preparation for hazard identification, identify hazards and assess risks
  • Interpreting the risk management process
  • Identifying hazards
  • Assessing risks
  • Controlling risks
  • Steps in the risk management process
  • Hazard Identification as an important step in the risk management process
  • Initiate remedial and follow-up action
  • Implementing monitoring and review processes
  • Implementing risk management processes
  • Conducting programme evaluation
  • Implementing steps to assess risks in the workplace
  • Program evaluation
  • Five practical steps to workplace risk assessment
Incident Investigation




Incident Investigation
The course equips delegates how to conduct Incident Investigations on a different type of Incidents in line with statutory requirements. The course is based on the SCAT analysis principles.


Cost: Request a quote


Course outline


  • Explain the specified requirements pertaining to conducting an investigation into workplace incidents
  • Explaining confirms understanding of the relevant standards for an investigation into workplace incidents
  • Explaining confirms understanding of the extent of the investigation
  • Explaining confirms understanding of the relevant hazards and risks likely to be encountered during the investigation
  • Explaining confirms understanding of the purpose of conducting investigations into workplace incidents
  • Prepare to gather data for the investigation
  • Explaining confirms understanding of the purpose and extent of the investigation that is verified
  • Explaining confirms understanding of the persons, tools, equipment and material that are verified as fit for purpose and available
  • Explaining confirms understanding of the relevant hazard and risk control measures for workplace incident data gathering and the consequences of not conforming to specified requirements, in preparing for data gathering
  • Gather and evaluate date
  • Explaining confirms understanding of the data to be gathered according to the requirements for the intended type of investigation
  • Explaining confirms understanding of the prevailing conditions at the scene of the incident which is determined by using accepted data gathering methods
  • Methods for gathering data must include: Inspection of the incident scene, Interviews of witnesses, Gathering of documents, procedures, practices and process evidence, Drawing of plans, taking photographs, collecting physical evidence for forensic analysis
  • Explaining confirms understanding of the data gathered and evaluated in order to establish variances between actual and required standards and procedures
  • The causes of the incident are identified through the interpretation of these variances
  • The investigation into the incident must include: Immediate causes, Basic causes, Lack of control and Inadequate risk assessment
Construction Regulations 2014




Construction Regulations 2014
The course equips delegates to understand their responsibility regarding compliance with the Construction regulatory requirements and to understand liability when failing to comply with the OHSA or regulatory requirements.


Cost: Request a quote


Course outline


  • Overview of Act 85/1993
  • Understanding the Construction Regulations
  • Important notes on the Construction Regulations
  • Application for a construction work permit
  • Duties of Clients
  • Duties of Designer
  • Duties of Principal Contractor and Contractor
  • Management and Supervision of Construction Work
  • Fall Protection
  • Temporary Work
  • Demolition Work
  • Tunnelling
  • Scaffolding
  • Suspended Platforms
  • Bulk Mixing Plants
  • Construction vehicles and mobile plant
  • Water Environments
  • Housekeeping on construction sites
  • Construction/employee facilities
Basic Health and Safety




Basic Health and Safety
The course equips delegates to understand basic health and safety as stipulated and defined in the Occupational Health and Safety Act 85/1993 and Regulatory requirements.


Cost: Request a quote


Course outline


  • The employer`s duties are described with regard to occupational safety and health in the workplace
  • The occupational health and safety representation structure and activities are described in terms of legislative requirements
  • Hazards and associated risks in the workplace are identified and addressed to ensure the health and safety of themselves and other persons
  • The importance of identifying hazards and risks in the working environment is explained in terms of the consequences to the employer and employees
  • The reporting procedure of hazards and risks is described in terms of organisational policies and procedures
  • The requirements that apply to persons that may be medically and non-medically intoxicated are explained in terms of the consequences to general safety in the workplace
  • Authorised access requirements to the workplace are explained in terms of legal and organisational requirements
  • The use of motorized and mobile equipment in the workplace is explained in terms of legal and organisational requirements
  • Lockout procedures in the workplace are explained in terms of legal and organisational requirements
  • Symbolic and other signage applicable to the workplace is explained in terms of legal and organisational requirements
  • Symbolic and other signage may include but is not limited to mandatory, information, warning signs and colour coding
  • Specific workplace Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) requirements are explained in terms of the correct usage and application
  • Maintenance and storage practices for PPE are explained in order to ensure the functionality
  • Reporting and replacement procedures of substandard PPE are explained in order to ensure the functionality
  • The importance of wearing PPE and the consequences of non-compliance are explained with in terms of the effects on employer and employee
  • The limitations of PPE used in and around the workplace are explained in terms of its protective restrictions
  • The need for good housekeeping in the workplace is explained in terms of the impact on health and safety to people and the immediate environment
  • Specific requirements pertaining to stacking and storage of materials are explained in terms of health and safety
  • Demarcation and colour coding practices in the workplace are explained in terms of health and safety
  • Emergency escape routes, assembly points and refuge bays in the work area are explained according to the organisational emergency plan
  • Emergency communication procedures in the workplace are explained according to the organisational emergency plan
Hazardous Chemical Substances




Hazardous Chemical Substances
The course equips delegates to understand their responsibility regarding compliance with the Hazardous Chemical Substances regulatory requirements and to understand liability when failing to comply with the OHSA or regulatory requirements.


Cost: Request a quote


Course outline


  • Description of the specified requirements of what hazardous substances are, is appropriate for specific contexts
  • Description of specified requirements for correctly identifying and dealing with the various hazardous substances is relevant for specified contexts
  • Description of the characteristics and dangers associated with hazardous substances, which might be encountered in specified contexts, is accurate
  • The identification of workplace hazardous substances present is according to specified requirements
  • The importance of correctly identifying and dealing with workplace hazardous substances is explained in terms of its consequences for health, safety, environment and production
  • The identification of and dealing with hazardous substances is conducted in a manner that fosters teamwork and avoids conflict
  • The evaluation of the risks associated with workplace hazardous substances encountered meets specified requirements
  • The identification of and dealing with the possible exposure of persons to hazards associated with hazardous substances meets specified requirements
  • Verification confirms that the storage of hazardous substances is according to specified requirements
  • Handling, labelling, usage and disposal practices meet specified requirements
  • Selection of control measures to minimize exposure is appropriate for specified contexts and is according to specified requirements
  • Explanation of workplace emergency preparedness plans complies with specified requirements
  • Communication and reporting actions confirms that appropriate control measures are taken according to specified requirements
  • The importance of complying with measures to control hazardous substances is explained in terms of the consequences for health, safety, environment and production
  • Control of hazardous substances is conducted in a manner that fosters teamwork and avoids conflict
Fire Fighting




Fire Fighting
The course equips delegates to understand the risks of fires in the workplace and ways to fight fires using fire extinguishers identified for the different types of fire.


Cost: Request a quote


Course outline


  • Components required to sustain combustion are identified and related to fires
  • Repellents used in controlling combustion are identified and related to extinguishing fires
  • Types of extinguishers used in fire extinguishers are identified and are related to types of fire
  • Personal safety requirements are identified and related to fires and the use of repellents
  • The different types of extinguishers are demonstrated
  • The right type of extinguisher for each type of fire is demonstrated
  • Methods of extinguishing a fire are described in terms of the removal of fire factors
  • The correct and safe procedure of the practical use of the different types of extinguishers are explained and demonstrated
  • The various types of fires that can be extinguished with hose reels. Fire blankets and sand buckets are explained
  • The systematic check on the hose reel, fire blanket and sand bucket is demonstrated
  • The application of water and sand at the base of fire is practically demonstrated
ISO 9001:2015 Management Awareness




ISO 9001:2015 Management Awareness
The course equips delegates to understand the Management and Implementation requirements relating to ISO 9001:2015 specific to the management of the ISO clauses and requirements.


Cost: Request a quote


Course outline


  • How ISO 9001 works
  • The core concepts of ISO9001:2015
  • Key requirements of ISO9001:2015
  • Understanding the Organization and its context
  • Understanding the Needs and Expectations of Interested parties
  • Determining the Scope of the QMS
  • Quality Management System and its Processes
  • Leadership and Commitment
  • Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities
  • Planning for the QMS
  • Actions to Address Risk & Opportunities
  • Quality Objectives & Planning to Achieve Them
  • Planning of changes
  • Support: Resources, competence. Awareness, communication, documented information
  • Operation
  • Operational Planning and Control
  • Determination of Requirements for Products and Services
  • Design and Development of Products and Services
  • Control of Externally Provided Products and Services
  • Production and Service Provision
  • Release of Products and Services
  • Control of non-conforming Process Outputs, Products and Services
  • Performance Evaluation
  • Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis and Evaluation
  • Internal Audit
  • Management Review
  • Improvement
  • Nonconformity and Corrective Action
  • Continual Improvement
ISO 45001:2018 Management Awareness




ISO 45001:2018 Management Awareness
The course equips delegates to understand the Management and Implementation requirements relating to ISO 45001:2018 Health and Safety Management System. Awareness and knowledge are specific to the management of the ISO clauses and requirements.


Cost: Request a quote


Course outline


  • How ISO 45001 works
  • The core concepts of ISO 45001:2018
  • Key requirements of ISO 45001:2018
  • Understanding the Organization and its context
  • Understanding the Needs and Expectations of Interested parties
  • Determining the Scope of the QMS
  • Quality Management System and its Processes
  • Leadership and Commitment
  • Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities
  • Planning for the QMS
  • Actions to Address Risk & Opportunities
  • Quality Objectives & Planning to Achieve Them
  • Planning of changes
  • Support: Resources, competence. Awareness, communication, documented information
  • Operation
  • Operational Planning and Control
  • Determination of Requirements for Products and Services
  • Design and Development of Products and Services
  • Control of Externally Provided Products and Services
  • Production and Service Provision
  • Release of Products and Services
  • Control of non-conforming Process Outputs, Products and Services
  • Performance Evaluation
  • Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis and Evaluation
  • Internal Audit
  • Management Review
  • Improvement
  • Nonconformity and Corrective Action
  • Continual Improvement
ISO 45001:2018 Internal Auditing




ISO 45001:2018 Internal Auditing
The course equips delegates to understand the Management and Implementation requirements relating to ISO 45001:2018 Health and Safety Management System and to perform bi-annual Internal Audits as part of the compliance requirements.


Cost: Request a quote


Course outline


  • Auditing the ISO 45001:2018 Health and Safety Management System to verify compliance requirements
Assess Worksite for Working at Height and prepare fall protection plan




Assess Worksite for Working at Height and prepare a fall protection plan
The course equips delegates to understand the principles regarding Height Safety, Rescues and the preparation of a fall protection plan to ensure the safety of persons working at height.


Cost: Request a quote


Course outline


  • Assess the worksite, where work is to be done at height, for risks
  • Do hazard analysis to consider the likelihood and severity of hazards to determine their significance
  • List the requirements of the person performing risk assessments based on legal requirements
  • Develop safe work procedures, monitoring and review plans for at least three hazards to reduce or control the identified risks
  • Describe ways to protect and prevent falls of people, equipment and materials using three examples
  • List the content of a comprehensive risk assessment based on legal requirements and explain the reasons for making documented risk assessments available to the worksite with examples of the consequences of not doing so
  • Identify personnel who are required to receive safety training in hazards and work procedures in terms of worksite assessment with examples and reasons given for their choice
  • Describe the different requirements and use of a comprehensive range of fall arrest and fall prevention equipment with examples
  • List the rescue equipment needed for various rescue situations with examples of their application
  • Explain the use of each of the various rescue techniques with examples of when simple lowering techniques, hauling systems and cableways are used
  • Explain the terms, “shock load”, “fall factors” and “anchor loads” with examples and calculate safe loading of an anchor point according to manufacturer’s instructions
  • Explain the reason for ensuring that appropriate rescue equipment is available with examples of the consequences
  • Draw up, implement and maintain a procedure for fall arrest equipment inspection, maintenance and testing to demonstrate that equipment meets statutory requirements
  • Prepare a fall protection plan for a real or simulated environment, based on the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Building Regulations
  • Discuss the maintenance and distribution of a fall protection plan with examples
  • Prepare a fall protection plan based on the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Construction Regulations
  • Describe the difference between fall protection and fall arrest with examples of each
  • Explain medical and other risks associated with falls with examples
  • Explain the cause for suspension trauma that can lead to death and describe precautions with examples
  • Explain the requirements for reporting a height safety incident in accordance with current legislation
  • Explain the reasons why it is best to let people work in teams under a supervisor during working at height with examples
  • List the factors to consider when evaluating people’s suitability for performing work at a height according to statutory requirements including health and training
  • Maintain safety training records for personnel working at height and describe the requirements according to current legislation
Transport, Store and Fill gas cylinders on work site




Transport, Store and Fill gas cylinders on work site
The course equips delegates to understand the Safe Handling, Storage, Transport, Store and filling of gas cylinders on a work site


Cost: Request a quote


Course outline


  • Use of Gas Cylinders
  • The main hazards of handling Gas Cylinders
  • How to reduce the risks
  • Training
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • How to store gas cylinders safely
  • What should be avoided
  • How to deal with empty cylinders
  • Storage of gas cylinders
  • How to fill gas cylinders safely, personal requirements, technical requirements and storage
  • Special information on oxygen, acetylene and compressed gas bottles
  • Safe handling, safe use, an inspection of cylinders
  • Safe move and transporting cylinders
  • Safe use of regulators
  • Hazard classes
  • Road Transport placarding
  • Vehicle Marking and labelling
  • Loading and Vehicle Check
Health and Safety Representative




Health and Safety Representative
The course equips delegates how to conduct duties of a Health and Safety Representative in line with the requirements of Section 18 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 85/1993.


Cost: Request a quote


Course outline


  • Describing and explaining the framework of workplace health and safety legislation pertaining to health and safety representatives
  • Explaining confirms understanding of the definitions and terminology contained in the current legislation
  • Explaining confirms understanding of the objectives of the relevant current legislation in terms of their impact on both employees and employers
  • Explaining confirms understanding of the importance of complying with the terms of the current relevant legislation
  • Explaining confirms understanding of the statutory requirements applicable to a health and safety representative in terms of their effect on the duties and functions
  • Explaining confirms understanding of the statutory requirements applicable to a health and safety committee in terms of their effect on the duties and functions
  • Explaining confirms understanding of the statutory requirements applicable to the employer in terms of their effect on the functions, duties and responsibilities of the health and safety representative
  • Explain the specified requirements to conduct safety, health and environmental representation activities at a working place
  • Explaining the specific functions and rights of the health and safety representative in terms of the relevant legislation
  • Explaining the importance and purpose of conducting safety, health and environmental representation activities in terms of the consequences to safety, environment and production
  • Address safety, health and environment-related issues within the scope of authority
  • Explaining the importance of resolving safety, health and environmental issues in terms of the consequences to health, safety, environment and production
  • Participate in activities within safety, health and environmental structures
HasPrac (Health and Safety Practitioner)




HasPrac (Health and Safety Practitioner)
The course equips delegates how to conduct duties of a Health and Safety Practitioners in line with the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 85/1993 on Industrial and Construction Sites.


Cost: Request a quote


Course outline


  • Introduction to OHSAS / ISO 45001:2018
  • Occupational Health and Safety Act 85/1993
  • Construction Regulation 2014
  • Legal Liability
  • Hazardous Chemical Substances
  • I.R.A. Hazard Identification Risk Assessment
  • Task Observation
  • Incident Investigation
  • Emergency Preparedness
  • SHERQ Business Planning
  • Contract Management
  • Supervise / Manage Health and Safety on a Construction Project

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